Thursday, October 13, 2005


To release, or not to release? I mortgage my own ethics posting here, when considered in light of historical comments regarding my disposition towards bloggers, and blogs in general. Then again, what merit is there in typing anything here without some sort of release into wider readership? ("wider" would mean more than my one sole reader)

The very format chosen, and content of the posts to date, are a sort of wonderful self-irony. I must admit to enjoying it, even though it reeks of pointlessness and arrogant self-absorption. There is a sort of purity in having this particular series of mindless drivel posted for all the world to see, yet telling no one of it.

To that end, let them look. Perhaps I'll release this particular waterfowl into the wilds whenever I have something of note to say. Until then, to my one reader, I salute you, sir! Vivat!

(And if you have wandered into this spot somehow, my one reader looks upon all of this magnificence with nothing short of disdain. He's a bastard like that.)


Blogger Roy said...

A second reader?!?


2:52 PM  
Blogger Roy said...

After due consideration, and much recovering of my composure, I figured I'd come back and act like the mature adult I pretend to be.

The one reader I am referring to would be me, of course. I would argue that it is not presumptuous in the least to use the masculine pronoun when referring to myself, even in such an oblique manner. I am familiar with my own plumbing after all.

A comment is certainly a novelty. Thank you kindly. I might even make the attempt at being more entertaining, knowing that I've an audience.

2:56 PM  

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