Gasp, a reader!
The news is out, kids. Seems some unlucky soul has stumbled upon my pointless meanderings, and has actually commented. I expect to have crowds of blog-fans beating down my door, clamouring for the inane details of my uninteresting life. Were this a normal blog, I'd now be posting lyrics to some appropriate song ("Unidentified Friend" by The Town Pants, would be an appropriate choice). As is, you'll be forced to imagine something pithy and hip. Slack of me, I know, but I am neither pithy nor hip, so I trust you will take up where I leave off.
Non sequitur time - Can someone explain to me what is up with Moleskine books? And Hipsters in general, for that matter? I'm lost. Is there some Sub-Genii-esque meme whose origin has utterly escaped me (not that I'm terribly hip to the Sub-Genius thing either, but that's another story), or am I simply on the wrong side of 29 and thus incapable of grokking this particular institution of disposable culture?
I see references to it scattered hither and yon, yet cannot detect any meaningful patterns so far. I admit to not being interested enough to actually do serious research. The sort of "I'm so witty. Oh so witty.." (sung to the tune of "I'm so pretty" from "West Side Story") attitude serves effectively enough to put me off. Let's face it, I've put that face on often enough in my life that I don't need that much reinforcement...
Perhaps the question is nothing more than a symptom of the aging process itself. I am no longer part of any sort of Movement, culture, or even applicable collectivist demographic, and it shows. The pop culture world passes my by at a dizzying rate, and the primary window of observation of the phenomenon (television) remains closed to me, by mine own hand.
I find myself interfacing with pop culture in a limited fashion via the web, and the web alone. It satisfies me, keeps me pleased, as I can take the information I want without being forced to accumulate too much useless noise (such as Jookie Cola on sale at Food Lemur through Saturday). When the memes aren't self-evident or prominent enough, nor do they intersect with my normal interests sufficiently, I find myself given nothing more than the occassional enigmatic bit o' info. Sometimes it is self-sufficient. I really don't need to know more about Parkour, for example, apart from watching the occassional amazing video of its' practicioners. Hipsters, Moleskines, et al intrigue me slightly more, even if it is only because I have that itch in the back of my head that says it is one more group to shamelessly deride.
*shrug* At the end of the day, I'm still a jerk, looking for more people to be a jerk towards.
Non sequitur time - Can someone explain to me what is up with Moleskine books? And Hipsters in general, for that matter? I'm lost. Is there some Sub-Genii-esque meme whose origin has utterly escaped me (not that I'm terribly hip to the Sub-Genius thing either, but that's another story), or am I simply on the wrong side of 29 and thus incapable of grokking this particular institution of disposable culture?
I see references to it scattered hither and yon, yet cannot detect any meaningful patterns so far. I admit to not being interested enough to actually do serious research. The sort of "I'm so witty. Oh so witty.." (sung to the tune of "I'm so pretty" from "West Side Story") attitude serves effectively enough to put me off. Let's face it, I've put that face on often enough in my life that I don't need that much reinforcement...
Perhaps the question is nothing more than a symptom of the aging process itself. I am no longer part of any sort of Movement, culture, or even applicable collectivist demographic, and it shows. The pop culture world passes my by at a dizzying rate, and the primary window of observation of the phenomenon (television) remains closed to me, by mine own hand.
I find myself interfacing with pop culture in a limited fashion via the web, and the web alone. It satisfies me, keeps me pleased, as I can take the information I want without being forced to accumulate too much useless noise (such as Jookie Cola on sale at Food Lemur through Saturday). When the memes aren't self-evident or prominent enough, nor do they intersect with my normal interests sufficiently, I find myself given nothing more than the occassional enigmatic bit o' info. Sometimes it is self-sufficient. I really don't need to know more about Parkour, for example, apart from watching the occassional amazing video of its' practicioners. Hipsters, Moleskines, et al intrigue me slightly more, even if it is only because I have that itch in the back of my head that says it is one more group to shamelessly deride.
*shrug* At the end of the day, I'm still a jerk, looking for more people to be a jerk towards.
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