A message board buddy of mine told me about America's Debate. As said buddy is on a board that enjoys some of the most enjoyable debating I've seen, I figure this is a good tip. I go there, spend a few days lurking and reading, and finally see a post (on education) that sparks my interest enough to actually register and post. I type up this nice, considered reply, complete with a source or two, and a bit of exposition, and I go to spellcheck.
Now, I have no problems with spelling, never have. I've always aced my spelling tests, done well in spelling bees, been aggravated by spelling errors in published material, etc. In short, I spell perfectly well. I am, however, an absolutely horrible typist (thus explaining the various bobbles in this blog). I do some odd melange of hunt'n'peck and touch typing, a only use about 5 fingers total, spread out on both hands. I still manage a decent WPM in tests though, as I spent a lot of time in MMORPGS (Everquest, if you must know) and thus learned to type tolerably quickly (it's a survival skill in those games).
So I hit the cool phpbbSpellcheck feature, and.... nothing. I get a lil window with no text, and realise that said little window is the same browser window as my post. I frantically hit the Back button on my mouse. Nothing. I try various reloads, checking History, etc. Nothing.
It's gone.
Now I find myself eminently unwilling to return to the site, rewrite that post, redo the links, re-find the sources, etc. Apathy reigns supreme, yet I am still irritated. And it was not even that impressive an argument, nor did I put all that much time into it.
In short, I feel very slack, and thus probably ripe for some derision.
Now, I have no problems with spelling, never have. I've always aced my spelling tests, done well in spelling bees, been aggravated by spelling errors in published material, etc. In short, I spell perfectly well. I am, however, an absolutely horrible typist (thus explaining the various bobbles in this blog). I do some odd melange of hunt'n'peck and touch typing, a only use about 5 fingers total, spread out on both hands. I still manage a decent WPM in tests though, as I spent a lot of time in MMORPGS (Everquest, if you must know) and thus learned to type tolerably quickly (it's a survival skill in those games).
So I hit the cool phpbbSpellcheck feature, and.... nothing. I get a lil window with no text, and realise that said little window is the same browser window as my post. I frantically hit the Back button on my mouse. Nothing. I try various reloads, checking History, etc. Nothing.
It's gone.
Now I find myself eminently unwilling to return to the site, rewrite that post, redo the links, re-find the sources, etc. Apathy reigns supreme, yet I am still irritated. And it was not even that impressive an argument, nor did I put all that much time into it.
In short, I feel very slack, and thus probably ripe for some derision.
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