Just for commenting

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


What is it with blogs? Is our society so individually self-absorbed that we see a deep-set need to publish our inane thoughts, our inane lives, our pitiful desires, and our impotent hatreds? is blogging a substitute for meaningful conversation, in a world increasingly placing distance between people in the name of faster (digital) communication?

I have precisely two blogs that I frequent. One is that of a writer I enjoy. I hit his blog simply because I enjoy both his style and, generally, his subject matter. The other, on this site, is that of a good friend blogging from hurricane relief locations in Louisiana. In his case, he is a personal friend, and, being down there, it's not like I can casually chat with him like I'd prefer. Virtually everything else in the 'blogosphere' is nothing more than pretentious bloviation, worth less than the picoseconds it takes for my computer to render the page.

There is worth here, certainly, but the noise-to-signal ratio is so great as to obfuscate much of that worth within the endless parade of drek.

And to further illustrate my own point, this very post is self-absorbed, pointless, bloviating noise. It is almost self-parody, and I am okay with that (mostly because no one reads this particular page of noise).

Settings et al

Word Verification is my new friend. Going to have to get the normal blog that I hit to do this. Spammers are teh suck.

Monday, September 12, 2005


This blog was created solely for the purpose of being able to comment on someone else's blog. I do, however, suddenly feel a burgeoning sense of overblown self-importance. It must come with the blog. I'll attempt to bloviate later.